Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Goals for 2013

I normally start each year with the typical goals - losing weight, saving money, and reading through the Bible. I never make it. And while I want to do all these things, I don't really want to set myself up for failure once again. This year I've decided to set some new goals, fun goals.

This year I've tried making a lot of new foods. I've had a lot of fun doing it. So I've decided to try a new food each month. I'm going to start the year with pasta. Lance has been asking me to make pasta, and I have pasta attachment for the Kitchenaide.

I would like to have a plan for the whole year before we get to the new year, but I'm not sure what else I want to try. Any ideas? I have already made sour cream, cream cheese, bear claws, and croissants. And I want to stick to food but not gross food. So please help me with ideas.

1 comment:

Lucy Thompson said...

I've been thinking about goals/plans for the new year too. I'm thinking maybe we should get chickens. :) I even ordered a gardening week by week book (hope that helps me stay on track) and googled when to plant fruit trees. So my yard may get a make over this year. I don't know what you should make but next time I come visit I had a recipe you can make me with your homemade pasta. ;)