Friday, February 17, 2012


Growing up in church, I learned that our bodies are temporary.  I somewhat understood that but not fully.  As I've gotten older my body is beginning to not work like it used to, and I have begun to understand more. I can't do handstands anymore because my back will hurt for the next week.  And back bends are completely out of the question.  And Last night as I lay awake thinking and being frustrated with my body, I got it even more.  My body is not me.  It just where I live for now.

I look forward to the day when I don't have to put up with a body that doesn't work right.  But for now I have to put up with the issues.  I know that as I get older there will be more problems.  But today the problems seem big and hard to deal with.  After a second miscarriage, I am frustrated with my body.  My body that can't seem to carry a pregnancy past the first trimester without medical help.

I understand that God is in control and has a plan.  I just wish it all could be easier.  But as a friend who is battling cancer reminded me, someday we will see the victory in all this pain.

So as I move forward in this flawed body, pray for me.  Pray for Lance and I as we continue in our journey to try to have children.  Pray that the doctors can figure out a plan for my flawed body.  Also, please pray for my friend Jen who has 3 small children and is battling cancer. You can read about her journey at and you can read the letters her husband is writing to her through her journey at